
Our mission is to help people win.

At Strategex, we are committed to helping people win. We do this by guiding people to make more money and have more fun, with less stress and more time. This holiday season, we are proud to support a non-profit organization whose mission aligns with our own: Operation Hope.

Operation Hope's mission is to expand economic opportunity, making free enterprise work for everyone.

The organization seeks to solve economic inequality, financial illiteracy, social injustice, inequitable access to capital and lack of financial dignity are real and systemic issues that have hindered the economic growth and opportunity for under-served individuals and small businesses for over 400 years in America. In short, they help people win by leveling the playing field.

Financial success starts with financial literacy.

Operation Hope's work includes a series of decade-long initiatives aimed at advancing financial well-being for all Americans. One of our favorite Operation Hope programs is Financial Literacy for All because financial success starts with financial literacy.

Financial Literacy For All (FL4A) is a national initiative to embed financial literacy into American culture, led by a prominent group of leaders from the business, sports, entertainment and nonprofit sectors. This 10-year initiative will reach millions of youth and working adults by making financial literacy fun, engaging them where they live, work and celebrate.

This collective effort to spur a national movement of financial capability is supported by focusing on:

  • Making financial literacy easier to understand and generating public awareness of its importance by directly connecting with working adults.
  • Targeted outreach to middle and high school students as well as those attending community college and 4-year universities with innovative outreach using existing “Best Practices” from both the private and public sectors.

"Lack of financial literacy does not allow citizens to fully participate in the US economy; we love the work that Operation Hope and FL4A's members are doing to break down those barriers. Financial literacy should not be a privilege, but an asset that is accessible for all," said Anthony Bahr, Managing Director of Strategex's Customer Due Diligence practice.

We proudly made a charitable donation as part of our holiday giving, and as an extension of our values.